Media Kit

Gluten Free Boston and Beyond | Becky Zollin |

Why Advertise on Gluten Free Boston and Beyond?

Thank you for your interest! Since August 2010, Gluten Free Boston and Beyond has been a source of information for gluten free people in Boston and its surrounding areas as well as people abroad who need to travel gluten free. Becky, the author, was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2008. She loves to eat, loves to travel and refuses to let gluten free mean sacrificing taste or spontaneity. 


People who maintain a gluten free diet as well as the friends and family that support them. The majority of our audience is in the United States/ Boston Area. However, since some of the articles are about foreign travel adventures there have been a small percentage of visitors from Canada, Europe and Australia, (approximately 12% of readers reside outside of the United States). 

Blog Set Up:

Posts are on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesday posts are about a general gluten free topic or product. Friday posts, entitled "Restaurant Fridays" are a review of a restaurant in Boston or its surrounding areas. 

A restaurant list is maintained for restaurants in Boston and other areas of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and cities abroad that the author has traveled to. All restaurant listings contain links back to the restaurant's website as well as its gluten free menu, (if available). Short descriptions are also provided as well as links back to Restaurant Fridays Reviews, (when available).

Blog Statistics:

(Screen shots available by request.)
  • Unique Visitors: 40/ day on average
  • Total Page Views: 1500/ month
  • Bounce Rate: 57%

Services Available:
1. Full product reviews
You will need to provide samples of your product that I can test, photograph and write about in a Tuesday blog post.

2. Full product reviews with giveaways
This is the same as option #1 with the added publicity of a giveaway. Photographs and descriptions of the items you are giving away, (if they differ from the product being reviewed), are appreciated. 

3. Static Ads
Static, (non-animated), ads are available along the right hand side of the blog, (200 pixels wide) in varying lengths. Discounts available for multi-month ads. 

{Special Now!} 
Sign up for three months of advertising and only pay for two!

Payment Options:

All ads and services are flat rate fees per month or per service. Payment is through Paypal.

Advertising Guidelines:
  • Ads and reviews for gluten free products and services only.
  • No animated ads or ads with sounds please.
  • All users must land on the same page when clicking the ad.

Thank you for considering Gluten Free Boston and Beyond for your advertising opportunities! Please contact me with specific pricing and any questions you may have. 

Becky Zollin
Gluten Free Boston and Beyond!
Twitter: @glutenfreebecky

Last Updated: December 20, 2011